Tuesday, March 5, 2013

Footnote C

Footnote C  link:


B.B.Pelletier is the pretty much beloved guru of air rifles and pistols.  I am fortunate, with this classic old gun, to have the internet where I can access the kind of information that B.B. archives.  I can hardly wait to clean up and rehabilitate some of my other older airguns because I know B.B. will have posted valuable information to help me.  What a great resource. 

Many of the posts and comments that I read refer to the fact that the Diana factory burned to the ground in 1977, as well as to the fact that highly engineered airguns of the quality of the old German classics, with the fine machining to such close tolerances, cannot anymore be duplicated without great expense.  That is why I really need to address this rifle and put it back into commission.

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