Tuesday, September 3, 2013

Ruger .44 Magnum Super Redhawk revolver

Ruger .44 Magnum Super Redhawk revolver
This was very fun to shoot!  A couple of my teammates and I went over to the indoor pistol range after shooting the trap league and tried out some armament.  After shooting my Berretta 9 mm, I shot my teammate's Super Redhawk with scope just like this one.  It had a surprisingly good grip feel; I thought it would be flying right out of my hand, but I was able to control it quite easily.  The scope was really, really neat and the trigger pull was quite natural; I would say easier to keep the flinching down than on my 9 mm. 
It happened to be a very hot and humid day and it was somewhat hot in the indoor facility as well, which made for tricky handling just like it did on the trap range.  All in all, though, it was very exhilarating to shoot this pistol. Wish I had one. Maybe I'll do something about that!

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