Wednesday, July 17, 2013

Remington Model 870 Express 12-ga shotgun

Remington Model 870 Express    12-Gauge Shotgun

I had an impromptu opportunity to shoot another Remington 870 than my own Wingmaster when, probably due to accumulation of grit and wax from my shabby reloads, my gun refused to shoot on the 3rd station of a trap round after my having broken the first ten birds!  I was in the zone and shooting factory shells, but the firing pin failed to set over 3 different shells and I dejectedly turned and walked back to the rear.  As I got there, someone waiting for the next squad offered me the use of his over and under. One of his teammates then offered me his 870 Express, which I took, because the 870 was what I had been shooting.  I walked back to the firing line and missed my next shot, but managed to get in the zone and break the second.  Then the scorer had me shoot 3 to catch up, 2 of which I broke.  I finished with 20, which is a personal best for me by two birds!  My team moved to the 20-yard mark on the handicap round and I broke 16, another all-time best, my previous attempt at that distance netting me only 6!  Other than my gun going down, it was a very, very successful night, and I was happy to buy a beer for the loaner after his round was over.  The gun felt just a wee bit more massive than my own in the stock, but not by much.  It was great.

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