Tuesday, June 4, 2013

Springfield Model 15 .22 Rifle

Springfield Model 15  .22 caliber Rifle

This .22 Caliber rifle belonged to my actual father and was likely his first gun for just plinking and learning about firearms in his day.  It is pretty well-kept and was given to me by my grandmother on my mother's side.  How she came to possess it I do not know, but it is likely that he had it on the farm around the time of his divorce from my mother and it just got left there.  My other grandmother gave me his dad's .22 so I have them both.
I set up some 50-yd small bore targets and shot up a box of Federal LR that was in the armory.  I didn't make a project yet of doing any sight adjustments.  I am a believer that until you demonstrate that a gun is shooting acceptable groups there is no point in making fine adjustments as long as you are hitting the paper.
I only missed the paper once so I have nine groups I can score.  From tightest to widest they were as follows:
2.0     2.3     2.5
3.5     3.6     3.7     3.8     3.9
all in inches + tenths of an inch.
Looking at actual scores from the targets, the following:
38     36     32     31     30
23     22
19     10
We will see how the Model 15 compares to my other .22 cal rifles before deciding which one to really work up first.  This is just a shakedown run.  Lots of fun, though, on a beautiful day.

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