Thursday, May 9, 2013

Footnote N: Pellet Comparison Using Hammerli .177 Pistol

.177 Pellet Comparison at 10-meters Using Hammerli .177 CO2 Pistol

I shot some 5-pellet groups at 10-meters indoors using the Hammerli:

Daisy makes a round box of .177 ammo which is divided into 3 compartments, pointed, hollow-point, and the flat-head diabolo shape.  The Hammerli shot high and to the right, but I was concerned only with tightness of groups at this point and did not alter the sights.  I was able to get at least five groups from each pellet shape before running out of CO2 after roughly 135 to 140 shots. 

          Pointed          Hollow-point          Diabolo

          1.4"                1.0"                         1.0"
          1.5                  1.4                           1.4
          1.9                  1.4                           1.6
          2.2                   1.9                          1.6
          2.5                   2.6                          2.0
                                  2.9                          2.0

It is obvious that the Diabolo shape was somewhat more accurate for two reasons: 1) I was able to keep more 5-shot groups on the paper with that shape, the hollow-point running second, and the pointed, hunting type round third.  2) assigning points for best group in each column for only the five best groups of each type round, Diabolo earns 14 of 15 possible points; Dented earns 12, and the pointed round earns 6.  This result is consistent with the common opinion among good shooters that the diabolo shape is optimal. 

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