Monday, April 29, 2013

4/22/13 Level I Turkey Hunt

4/22/13  Level I Turkey Hunt

It rained pretty much all night, but lightly, and at 7:30 a.m. it stopped and got a little brighter out, so I grabbed my M-66 and walked out to the fenceline between the gullies and dug in by some little pines in case a few decided to cross the field like I see them do all the time.  I heard a couple of little babbles and one sounded off way up in the valley toward the corner. Other than that I had a nice little hour and a half before it started to sprinkle again, so I went in.  The rain continued on and off and I decided to take about a 2-hour bike ride. Near the end I was in the valley next to mine, closer to town and 4 hens crossed the road in front of me in the light drizzle! So I guess it was a Level 2 bike ride. Cleaned the gun up and cased it, gonna take it to the trap range and give it a work out when the weather turns nicer.

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