Tuesday, April 9, 2013

Footnote L

Winter Florida Trap Using Remington 870
Winter, 2013

I used the winter season as a warm-up and introduction to trap shooting by attempting to shoot weekly at the range and by gleaning advice from as many of the capable people there as I could. I have to say that I improved to an acceptable level considering I am a neophyte using a field gun.  I had a heck of a good time doing it.  I got to experiment with different chokes, different loads, and different firing lines, although I am trying to nail down my skills at the 16-yard line.  I am not afraid to look bad by trying at the handicapping distances.  It's fun.  A diagrammatic outline of my progress:

Choke            16-yds     17-yds     18-yds     19-yds     20-yds     21-yds     22-yds     23-yds

Skeet              7

Modified        13, 18
                       15, 18
                       13, 16
                       11, 13
                       13, 12

Full                 7                              11
                        12                                                                              3
                        11, 18

Sometimes it's windy, sometimes your head just isn't in it.  It's always fun.

My average over 11 rounds with modified choke is 14.45  Gives me something to shoot for when I go up north and shoot in the trap league for the first time.

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