Saturday, April 20, 2013

Ithaca Model M-66 12-gauge shotgun

Ithaca Model M-66 12-gauge shotgun

This was my first shotgun, given to me by my dad.  It took me a long time to work up the nerve to shoot it the first time, because I was afraid of the impending recoil.  He got a kick out of that (no pun intended) and I think he liked the fact that I was so fearsome of this weapon.  It was a good beginning of respect for a firearm.  Mine has the 3-inch chamber and I have had it out hunting for ducks, however my high school friend and I were hardly really hunting since we had no retriever, no skill, and no spot that was worthwhile.  I have, over the years tried a little clay pigeon with it, but largely it has sat in my safe until today, when I dragged it out to give it the once-over and some kind of work out before cleaning it up.  It is spring turkey hunting season and there is no reason not to go sit in the woods with it a little bit and see if I can figure out where they are roosting.

Here is a schematic of the gun from Ithaca's website.  It is a lot simpler than a lot of guns I have.


  1. Took it out hunting 4/20/13 but no turkeys. Fun!

  2. Took it out again 4/21/13...still no turkeys.

  3. Tried the morning on 4/23/ luck. Rain started about 9:30 and continued on and off all day and evening, but I had some fun carrying it.

  4. Shot two rounds of trap, practising with three others of the team I will be on this summer. Hit only 13 in the first round; moved to the 18-yd positions for the second round and again hit 13. I shot 8's and manufactured rounds, since I have had some trouble in the past of reloads jamming in the breech. At Dick's sporting goods, I ran into an old guy telling the cashier that he could not reload aluminum rounds, only brass, because of the same difficulty in his break-barrel! I had never considered that, but will now investigate the possibility. At least factory-loaded aluminum base shells work properly.
