Saturday, August 17, 2013

Mossberg Model 190 Bolt-action 16-gauge Shotgun

Mossberg Model 190 Bolt-action 16-gauge Shotgun

I purchased this shotgun a few years ago at an "antique" store for around $125 because I just couldn't resist it.  I have to confess that at this time I have yet to shoot it.  But it is a nice looking shotgun with an adjustable choke on the end of the barrel.  I have bought a couple of guns at these so-called "antique" or combination antique-general merchandise-flea market kinds of places but in recent years, one can hardly find even a BB gun at them!  The politically correct crowd must have them cowed with their anti-gun message. Perhaps they are afraid of someone having a shooting accident, or commiting a crime with them and then coming back at the seller.  Whatever.  Nonetheless that is how I got hold of this one, and I am determined that I am going to shoot it in the very near future!

The very near future took a little while. I brought it to Maidson to get a round in, but didn't get around to it, although I brought it to the league range for a back-up a few times.  I took it to Portage to shoot with my friend there and even though my 870 locked up, I went to grab the Mossberg and darn if I didn't pull the bolt out, it jumped all the way out and I couldn't get it back in! I was frazzled and borrowed my friend's gun instead.

Today, however, two of my teammates wanted to go and shoot on a Sunday and I took it down and was careful not to work the bolt hard enough to make it jump. The gun shot two boxes of factory shells just fine, although I only got a 13 and a handicapped 10 at 21-yds.  I was satisfied for a first outing.  I'm certainly not afraid to use it for a back-up now.  The external choke is a bit unnerving for covering clays; but it was an ungodly hot day and I was just happy to shoot successfully.

I shot two more boxes with a friend in Portage and did a little bit better, hitting 16 and 15.  On the first round, I broke the first and last five, but somehow managed to get only six in the middle three stations!  Oh boy!  The gun is a hit at the trap range, though, because bolt-action shotguns are not seen much. 

1 comment:

  1. Shot a couple boxes, hitting 16 and 13 because I took a friend to the range and let him shoot the 870, which he did quite well. I was somewhat distracted and didn't really shoot "professionally", but we had fun.
